
Two talented residents at Regis Rosebud have banded together during Melbourne’s lockdown to keep spirits high.

Musical duo Jenny McDougall and Ron Boothman have been covering the Home’s regular entertainment programming which has had to be postponed due to restrictions.

Dubbed the ‘Regis Rockers’, Jenny and Ron perform during Happy Hour every Tuesday and Friday. Their repertoire includes tunes from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s with Elvis being their most popular request. Que Sera Sera is their signature song.

Jenny and Ron have each had a lifelong relationship with music, with Jenny starting piano at age 9 and Ron picking up his first pair of drumsticks at age 15. “One of my music teachers was the great Aussie music legend, Billy Hyde” recalled Ron. When the pair met after Ron moved in to the Home this year, they discovered a shared interest which led them to start jamming. Upon moving in, Jenny brought all of her band equipment including a microphone, amp, ukulele, and two keyboards. After the Home’s General Manager contributed an electronic drum set, the kit was complete and “everything else just seemed to fall into place” said Ron.

Aside from the joy of making music, Jenny and Ron say their favourite part is seeing the joy they bring to other residents. With assistance from the Home’s employees, the pair created lyric books so residents could sing along with the music. “We enjoy it and look forward to it. Seeing everyone smiling and excited when we walk into the room makes it all worth it” said Jenny. Without fail, their audience cheers for more at the end of every set.

The positive impact of music in an aged care setting is well documented, suggesting that Jenny and Ron’s twice weekly concerts are providing much more than enjoyment and entertainment.

“Listening to tracks from young adult years can relieve stress, anxiety, depression and agitation by prompting happy memories, encouraging movement, and promoting social interaction” comments Patsy Inu-Lene, Lifestyle Coordinator at Regis Rosebud. “During current times, these benefits are particularly valuable to residents’ wellbeing.”

Bravo, Regis Rockers!