
Sunny Side Up

This program at Regis Elermore Vale has been developed to provide support to our residents living with dementia.
The program is responsive and designed to meet individual needs, therefore it consists of a variety of meaningful tasks, roles and responsibilities that will allow residents to engage positively in their environment. The types of activities you may see going on around our home are similar to tasks people do in their own homes, such as folding and hanging of washing, setting tables and preparing for meal times, sweeping and tidying up.

These tasks enable residents to experience a sense of purpose, increase feelings of self-worth and really feel they are contributing in a meaningful way. Evidence shows that people who are involved in community groups are more likely to have an improved general well-being and are less likely to experience depression and feelings of loss.

Our aim is for our residents to “Connect with Life” no matter what their abilities are.

Aged Care Elermore Vale Aged Care Elermore Vale Aged Care Elermore Vale Aged Care Elermore Vale